Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Megan's Personal Yearly Goals

I have never been one to set New Year's Resolutions, because I often think they often only set us up for failure.  However, today I read a blog that has encouraged me to make a list of personal goals (of course, stealing a few from the blog for myself!)...  but let me clarify, these are GOALS, NOT RESOLUTIONS.  I hope that these goals will help me take baby steps to being the faithful follower, wife, mother, friend, person I am called to be. 

Megan's Personal Goals 
  • Get healthy... Yes, the perks of losing weight have a strong bearing on this, but it was not until I started Weight Watchers that I realized just how unhealthy I was.  It is my goal now, not to lose wait, but to become a healthier person. 

    • Start each day by getting dressed.  (Ephesians 6:11)
    • Call a close friend once a week, see one at least once a month.  I have been blessed in my life with some amazing friendships and I can honestly say that I am not always the best friend in return.  I want to make sure that my friends KNOW how much I care about them.
    • Record a highlight, memory, or blessing from each day..  This one is going to be a toughy for me.  I am horrible about recording important events in our life.  As I watch my babies become, well not babies, it makes me sad that I have already forgotten the who, what, when, and wheres of important events in their lives.
    • Have a family dinner at home at least three nights a week.  Even with the boys as young as they are I am already seeing the busy excuses creep into our family dinner nights at home.  The convenience of dining out often wins.  I think family dinners around the home table are super important and I want to make sure I don't let our hectic schedules take that away.
    •  Save energy for my boys.  There are so many nights/weekends that I come home completely exhausted from work/friends/life/house chores/etc that my boys too often get my leftovers.  I want to make sure they get a mom that they know is always there for them first, no matter how tired she is!
    • Plan one way to bless, serve, or encourage my husband.  Chad is my rock and my best friend and I need to make sure that I am doing my part of being a supporting and loving wife.
    • Finish my Master's.  The classes are getting harder and harder and life is getting busier and busier, but I must do this!  December 2012 APSU Graduate - MUST BE!
    I know that each of these goals in attainable, I just have to keep up the motivation to make them happen.  Prayers appreciated!  :)